Important Dates

Besides such day-to-day tasks as approving financial and human-resources transactions, business-related tasks that should be performed biweekly or monthly are listed below.


Biweekly Tasks

  • Approve timesheets for employees paid biweekly before noon on Tuesdays, unless a holiday requires an earlier approval deadline.
  • Review check registers (ZPR_DETAIL_CHECK_REGISTER) for employees paid biweekly two days prior to payday to verify that the individuals listed are employees and are due the amounts indicated. The Payroll Distribution Report (ZPR_CC_WBS_DIST) can be printed as an additional verification measure if desired. (NOTE: Payroll sends an email reminder when they have completed the payroll process and you can perform this task.)


Monthly Tasks

10th of the month: Review Department Ledger Report and supporting documentation and approve.

15th of the month: Approve effort certification for previous month’s pay on WBS elements.

Before the 15th: Approve human-resources transactions for monthly employees.

Before the 15th: Approve monthly employees’ time.

Before the 25th: Review and approve procurement card purchases.

Before the 25th: Review check registers for employees paid monthly two days prior to payday to verify that the people listed are employees and are due the amounts indicated. The Payroll Distribution Report can be printed as an additional verification measure if desired. (NOTE: Payroll sends an email reminder when they have completed the payroll process and you can perform this task.)


NOTE: On months with holidays, deadlines are more restrictive. The payroll office will notify departments when these deadlines are imposed.